Gæðingur Brewery
Brewery tours
We offer brewery tours by appointment.
The tours take around 45-60 minutes and you will hear the story of Gæðing, the brewing process and the story of the country's first craft brewery Microbar. Perhaps the most exciting thing is that you'll hear all brewers/bar/beer/brewery gossips, who sleeps with whom, and important information. Maybe you'll get drunk too. Since you're going to be at beer tour prices all night.
Price is 4.900 kr pr person for at least 5 people.
Minimum price for tour is 24.500 kr
Book here
Björn Johannsson
Gæðingur Brewery
Nýbýlavegur 8
200 Kópavogur
Netpóstur: gaedingurbeer(at)gmail.com
Mán-Fös: 9:00 - 16:00
The Icelandic craft brewery
Gaedingur Brewery
GÆÐINGUR brewery, became the fourth in a row of microbreweries in Iceland, following Kaldi, Ölvisholt and Mjöður.
Originally established on the farm Útvík in Skagafjorður, North Iceland, it was an English 10HL brewhouse. First only brewing filtered lager and bottle fermented ales. The brewery developed rapidly and, as the first of Icelandic microbreweries, Gaedingur bought a Cask canning line, which still is in use.
First craft beer bar in Iceland
In 2012, the owners of Gaedingur opened the first Icelandic craft beer bar in Iceland, Microbar Reykjavík, in Austurstræti Reykjavik. In 2014, Microbar moved to Vesturgata and Microbar also opened in the breweries home town, Sauðárkrókur.
Finally Microbar Kópavogur opened as the Tap room o Gaedingur’s new brewery in Kópavogur in September 2018. So, the story of Gaedingur brewery, has through the years been very tight with the story of Microbar.
At the new brewery, Gaedingur has a 20Hl brew house and 155HL fermenting capacity and will soon increase. At Vínbúðin, Gaedingur sells approximately 17 different canned beers. Gaedingur beers are of course available at Microbar and at the better beers bars in town as well as Bjórland
The history of Gaedingur brewery
The first beers
1st of June 2012 is the 53rd birthday of Ingibjörg Hafstað and the owners of Gæðingur Brewer open at Austurstræti 6. Eight taps with beers from Gæðingur brewery, Kaldi brewery and Ölvisholt brewery. Also available were 30 types of imported craft beer. This was the Mecca of craft beer in Reykjavík for at least the next two years. Microbar flourishes and begins to attract more and more foreign visitors.
Microbar changes location
2015, On the 20th of October 2015, Joe Biden announces that he is not going to run for President for the coming 2016 election. Therefore he could have joined us at the opening of the Microbars new location at Vesturgata 2.
GÆÐINGUR Brewery opens in Kópavogur
On the 11th of September 2018, 17 years had passed from the tragedy in Manhattan and at the Pentagon. Kofi Annan was laid to rest, but on the positive side, Microbar Kópavogur was opened at Nýbýlavegur 8 in Kópavogur.
Gæðingur brewery is making itself comfortable in Kópavogur and the first Beer brewed in Kópavogur was the Christmas beer “Jingle balls”

The owner
The Artist
Hugleikur Dagsson is the man behind the Gæðingur Logo. In addition to designing many of the can labels, he has also decorated Microbar, Microbar & Bed with his art.